Being a student means being independent and making your own decisions for the first time. This time of living is shaped by mistakes, successes and finding oneself which is only possible if one is able to study without worrying about money or attendance. Especially students with family obligations such as having to care for children or elderly family members need our support. Parents who want to study need a broadened system of child support. That is why we demand more day care places as well as other child care facilities. The "entrepreunerial university" does not offer this kind of help even though it calls itself "family friendly". Furthermore, the access to BAföG has to be extended and simplyfied. The key task of BAföG is to ensure everyone no matter which family or financial background he or she has is able to study. Recent developments have shown us, that this promises has been broken. The number of students receiving BAföG is decreasing steadily. Rising prices for rent and utilities prevent students from choosing freely where they want to study. We need BAföG which is securing one's livelihood, which is independent from ones parents and which is repayment-free. That is why we demand the possibility to create one's own time of studying without the fear of one's own existence.