
general assembly of all students on 12/01/2021: "We are taking back the university! - underfunding and counteract isolation"

Dear students of Philipps-Uni,


the executive committee of the student parliament invites you all to the general assembly of all students. A generall assembly of all students is a medium for information, the exchange and formation of opinions (statutes of the student body, article 7 https://www.asta-marburg.de/fileadmin/Gremien/StuPa/Satzungen_und_Ordnungen/Satzung_der_StudentInnenschaft.pdf

Its resolutions should be an orientation for all other committees of the university. At the general assembly we want to give an overview of the effects of the structural underfunding of our university and discuss how this affects our student situation and the quality of teaching, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The joint exchange is expected to result in an action plan that will be indicative for our options for action.

The plenary session "We take back our university - counteracting underfunding and isolation" will take place online on 01.12.2021 at 18:15. You can find the Big Blue Button Room at https://uni-marburg.de/rF7y.


Tentative agenda:

  1. welcome and approval of the agenda
  2. giving of the rules of procedure
  3. responsibilities
  4. current financial situation of the Philipps-Universität Marburg
  5. student situation in times of structural underfunding and pandemic
  6. miscellaneous



https://www.asta-marburg.de/gremien/studentinnenparlament/ you will find a "How-to-VV Flyer". All important information about the course of the meeting can also be found there. It is especially important for the course of the plenary session that you submit motions that can be voted on. The motions have to be submitted to the StuPa board until the 30th November 2021. To do so, write an email with the attached motion to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All motions will be uploaded to the AStA-Website folder. There they can be viewed by everyone. We ask you to read the motions before the plenary meeting to get an overview. We kindly ask you to join the ILIAS-folder so that you are able to vote https://uni-marburg.de/PJYMU.


If you have any questions, please contact the StuPa board.